Intermountain Christian Ministries
Main :: The Ministry :: The Founder :: Sermons :: Cowboy Wisdom :: Poems :: Saints and Martyrs :: Quotes :: Links
:: Links
We frequently receive requests for information on various religious groups probably because we are an international ministry that works across denominational lines.

Intermountain Christian Ministries does not carry information or literature about any of these groups but we can recommend the following links for those who are interested in knowing more about them.

These links are to Christian ministries who write from a Biblical perspective on their definitions and dealing with the theology, doctrine and practice of these various groups. Most of them also have printed literature that is available on a variety of groups, religions, movements and trends that affect the Body of Christ today, directly or indirectly.

Please feel free to contact them for specific information regarding those types of questions.

Here are some of them:

:: Sections
:: Main
:: The Ministry
:: The Founder
:: Sermons
:: Cowboy Wisdom
:: Poems
:: Saints and Martyrs
:: Quotes
:: Links
Intermountain Christian Ministries - P.O. Box 901888 Sandy, UT 84090-1888 USA Top of Page
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