Intermountain Christian Ministries
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:: The Ministry
Intermountain Christian Ministries (“ICM”) was founded in 1983 by Rev. Dave Roberts and Jeff Freeman in response to the call of the Lord Jesus Christ to establish a Christian mission in the Rocky Mountain West.

The Lord’s direction for ICM was, first, to be a clear, Christian presence in Utah and, second, to pray. Unlike other mission efforts based in Utah, ICM was not to target any specific group of people exclusively. As a result, through a network of varied opportunities, ICM has often ministered to a cross-section of the population, e.g., in the Cowboy & Rodeo circuit, to the Deaf community, among local African-American and Hispanic communities, the predominant Latter-day Saint (“Mormon”) population, as well as Slavic immigrants, Foreign and Domestic University students and, at times, some polygamous groups. ICM has also been supportive of persecuted Christian churches and Christians’ Rights groups in developing countries, people in religious transition out of aberrant groups as well as prisoners and parolees.

It is ICM’s theology of missions that every ministry should have other mission fields in which to assist in order to prevent “spiritual myopia.” For example, in 1989, the Lord opened the former Soviet Union, enabling us to both send support and to translate and publish several exceptional tracts on basic Christian theology as well as anti-cult material into the Russian language for general circulation. During that time, we also supplied Russian Bibles and New Testaments and numerous Christian books in Russian, Estonian, Latvian and Ukrainian to thousands of people throughout what is modern day Russia and the southern Muslim republics.

Intermountain Christian Ministries seeks to maintain:

Full accountability to several Christian leaders and pastors. Supplies of evangelical Christian books, Bibles and New Testaments in several languages. An extensive correspondence ministry throughout the world in four languages. A free monthly newsletter/prayer bulletin which is available upon request. Chaplaincy to Cowboys and Rodeo people as needed. Deaf interpreting at certain Christian conferences, meetings and services. A network with several other ministries worldwide for the mutual edifying and assistance of the Body of Christ. A similar network with Christian rights’ groups and letter writing and fax campaigns to oppressive governments of persecuted churches and individual believers. Provision of prayer support and occasional financial assistance, when available, for certain clergy and struggling churches in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Montana, Saskatchewan, Alberta, the Dakotas, former Soviet bloc nations as well as Russia and the Muslim world. Provision of pulpit supply for area churches. Teaching seminars on certain mainline cults. Provision of Sacramental needs within the Body of Christ: e.g., baptism, confession, marriage and confirmation. Maintenance of regular contact with dozens of churches throughout the Intermountain West to which new or restored Christians may be referred. Discipleship, preparation and eventual licensing and ordination to the Gospel Ministry of certain Christians so called by God, usually through the ministry of Church of the Risen Christ. Short-term missions regularly to various parts of Europe, Russia and North America. Arrangement and oversees foreign language translation, typesetting, publication and delivery of suitable Christian material and tracts.

Intermountain Christian Ministries does not solicit funds. ICM is a faith ministry and absorbs the expenses of all the above listed functions from its general fund unless gifts to ICM are specifically designated. Nor does ICM or Church of the Risen Christ accept any “administration fees” on funds donated to recognized, specific missionaries or missions -- 100% of the designated gift goes to its destination.

ICM and Church of the Risen Christ are recognized and registered by the Internal Revenue Service as tax-exempt, charitable organizations.

In our history, we:

  • Started as Deseret Christian Ministries in 1983.
  • Began Immanuel Prayer Fellowship in 1985.
  • Opened Holy Trinity House in 1990.
  • Founded Church of the Risen Christ in 1990.
  • Founded the American-Soviet Christian Alliance in 1991.
  • Founded a Utah Chaplaincy for the Fellowship of Christian Cowboys in 1992.
  • Reorganized the cowboy fellowship as Cowboy Christians of Utah in 1995.

While ICM works across denominational lines, doctrinally we adhere to the Nicene Creed, endeavor to follow the Bible literally wherever possible for matters of faith and practice, as well as use of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer for liturgy.

For the Christian’s survival and empowering in Utah, whose Biblically-based Christian population is estimated at 2% to 3%, we do encourage people to seek believer’s baptism in water and in the Holy Spirit while not looking to any specific manifestation as “proof” of the latter.

Utah either leads, or has been above the national average, in wife and child abuse, teenage pregnancy and suicide, divorce, incest, depression, prescription drug abuse, stock fraud, polygamy and bigamy. The social problems and political climate in Utah make it a unique are of ministry but ICM shares the vision of several other ministries, that there is clear evidence of God’s Visitation of Love for Utah and its 2.1 million people.

Two vehicles of ministry that the Lord has raised up through ICM has been Church of the Risen Christ and the Cowboy Christians of Utah.

Church of the Risen Christ (“CRC”) came into being in order to foster the healthy growth and maturity of new Christian believers through a strong sense of community and discipleship. Since its inception in 1990, CRC has sent out missionaries to Siberia, Russia, Belize, Red China, Taiwan, Guatemala, Mexico and to London’s Muslim population. CRC has also been used to train up several young ministers for the needs of existing churches or to pioneer new fellowships on a nondenominational basis. Some of them have described CRC best as “a training-and-sending church.” Church of the Risen Christ generally meets as a home fellowship. Approximately one quarter of CRC’s attendees have gone on to serve in the Christian ministry or mission field, pandenominationally.

Cowboy Christians of Utah (“CCU”) was founded specifically to meet the spiritual needs of ranch cowboys and rodeo people who have little or no fellowship, nor access to the Sacraments of the Christian Church usually because of their isolation. Utah has been described as having the third best cowboys in the United States but little Christian ministry has been done among this large portion of Utah’s population. CCU plans occasional gatherings of cowboys and rodeo folks, usually at a central location for a day long celebration of worship, prayer, praise, preaching fellowship and Holy Communion, as well as Baptisms and Marriages, as the needs arise.

It is our sincere desire that Utah’s people will know the New Testament’s Jesus Christ personally and through every means possible does Intermountain Christian Ministries seek to make Him known.

Contact us if we can assist you:

Intermountain Christian Ministries
Post Office Box 901888
Sandy, Utah 84090-1888 USA
Phone: 801+718-2524

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